Now accepting Concierge Medicine appointments

The Sweet Spot in Your Health

The Sweet Spot is the intersection between medical science and your life.

Why it matters:
Medical science teaches us many ways we can improve our health and treat illness, but it does not show us how to apply this information to your circumstances. Understanding your preferences, values, and limitations is vital for achieving your goals.

What you can do:
Share your concerns or problems with Sarah or I when you come to clinic. Help us understand what it is like to live your life right now, so we can help you find your "sweet spot."

Going Deeper:

Dr. Christopher Fox I am a board-certified endocrinologist in Superior, CO, and I have been in private practice since 2003. People I work with achieve success when they learn all the ingredients of healthy lifestyle and the system to consistently follow through on good intentions. I use my knowledge of endocrine science, psychology, neuroscience, and human behavior to help people make meaningful, lasting changes in their health that they can sustain long-term.

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